Health & Wellness

Periods While Breastfeeding: Things You Need To Know

Mensuration, pregnancy, and breastfeeding are all connected. Skipping a regular cycle of periods strongly indicates pregnancy, and when pregnancy happens, the body keeps periods at bay. After that, if the mother decides to nurse the infant, then the periods are further delayed for weeks or even months, and we all know that no period means no pregnancy. So, if they all are linking in such a tightrope, then all must affect one another.

starting a period while breastfeeding gives motherhood a huge responsibility and can be overwhelming, tiring, and fulfilling all at the same time. New mothers may want to keep away from periods for even longer than nine months as a welcome perk. But every person is different, and their bodies have individual reactions to the changes in the hormones. Some mommies get their regular periods after 6-8 weeks of delivery, usually when they aren’t breastfeeding the infant. Others who opt to nurse can experience a delay of weeks or months on end. The time frame varies as other factors come into play. Some mothers get back on track with their menstruation cycles even if they are breastfeeding; this can happen for several reasons. If any mother feels a drop in milk supply after getting periods, they can try our delicious and mouth-watering best lactation cookies.

Reasons for returning periods while nursing

If the baby is entirely dependent on the mother for all the feed and nutrients, it will take about six months to 18 months to be fertile again. But if the child has been introduced to solids and isn’t on breastfeed exclusively, then periods may resume sooner rather than later. Another reason to get early periods while breastfeeding is that the child has the support of top feed, like milk supplements. Weaning is also a welcome distraction for the mother and the baby and will help get periods back. After about 6-8 months, when the infant develops a sleeping pattern and naps through the night (yes, this will happen), mensuration is likely to return.

Who is responsible?

Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland responsible for breast milk, and the same hormone is responsible for preventing Aunt Flo (periods). When a mother is feeding in full swing, these hormone levels are higher, thus resulting in no periods. On the flip side, as soon as you wean the baby off and familiarize solids, the levels decrease, and periods are on their way back.

Getting periods back while breastfeeding

Still struggling and juggling between things and getting the hang of breastfeeding and the demon returns! Not sure if the latch was perfect or how in the world to know if a hand pump is better or electric one or why are the breasts asymmetrical? Returning of periods can alter the whole learning process; I know I fully empathize with you. The silver lining is that your milk is still the best for your baby and completely safe. No need to wean off the baby or start feeding milk supplements. It is always healthy, nutritious, and sustenance for the baby. If you feel a decrease, then try our best lactation cookies for an instant boost in supply. 

The first period postpartum

The first time will be weird as that is not your regular period; it is a mix of mucus, blood, and tissues from the uterus and is called Lochia. Right off the bat, it is red and similar to periods, but slowly red faints to pink, then brown, then yellow, and eventually white. Your first real periods will follow after 6-8 weeks, and that will be if the mother isn’t breastfeeding.

The effects of menses on breast milk  

Mostly there is no significant or notable change in your feeding when you get back your periods. Even there are minor changes in the milk; the little one will not be bothered at all with it. There are mainly three changes that have often been reporting.

Low supply

There is a dip in the milk collection for the first 12-36 hours; this can end up in an irritated baby. When the supply is low, the baby will be agitated, but it will soon be over. That happens due to a change in the progesterone and estrogen levels right before the periods. It is a very temporary phase and will not affect the child’s growth and weight gain. Fortunately, Mother Nature comes to the rescue to increase milk supply as the demand spikes. If there is a particular drop in-store, then use a pump to stimulate the action or use the best lactation cookies for a surge in supply most healthily and naturally. They taste great, and the baby is also happy and satisfied.  

Change in taste

Due to elevated progesterone levels, there is an escalation in sodium and protein as a decline in glucose, lactose, and potassium. A surge in the sodium levels makes the taste of the milk less appealing to the baby. But don’t worry, the infant is pretty used to the change in the milk as it differs from meal to meal. Mother’s milk is a very dynamic thing; it can alter drastically depending on the mother’s food intake. So, the baby is already attuned to the change.

Sore or sensitive nipples

A surge in estrogenic levels means that around ovulation time, calcium levels in the blood go down, resulting in sore nipples. Mothers may feel tenderness and sensitivity in their breasts, and this can make breastfeeding uneasy. But in any case, don’t let them off from the feeding as it will make it worse. It will hurt, of course, but not more than the other problems that will follow due to the discontinuation like plugged milk ducts, mastitis, engorgement, and blebs. Try pumping your breast milk if the pain is unbearable. This trick will ensure a steady supply of milk, and in the meantime, the tenderness will pass.

The problems that come with periods while breastfeeding are all temporary. These problems will eventually pass, so it’s safe for the baby and also for the best.


The problems that come with periods while breastfeeding, are all temporary.  They will pass so it’s safe for the baby and also the best. I don’t recommend using any tablets to delay your periods or to mess with your hormones. If they come organically then the time was best for the aunt flow to arrive. Sit back and relax and let Mother nature take its course of actions.   

Medical Disclaimer: All the content available on the website is just for informational purposes. It’s not a substitute for any Professional advice. Don’t take it personally. As a medical student, I’m just trying to use my information through my content, and please keep in mind it’s not written by a professional doctor. Use the data just for educational purposes.

Kelly Han

Dr. Kelly Han is a seasoned medical professional with a passion for holistic wellness and integrative health. Based in San Francisco, her expertise spans across various domains of health, from fitness and skincare to oral health and weight management. Understanding the intricate connections between different aspects of health, Dr. Han believes in a comprehensive approach. Whether it's the latest skincare regimen, effective weight loss strategies, or understanding hormonal imbalances, she's dedicated to providing readers with evidence-based advice and actionable insights on a wide array of health topics. Through her articles, Dr. Han aims to empower individuals to take charge of their well-being, offering them the knowledge and tools they need to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. Join her in exploring the multifaceted world of health, beauty, and wellness.

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